Although the bedroom is supposed to be the most relaxing room in the house - a place where you can retreat to when you want to read a book, snuggle from the AC or even hide from the kids, for one reason or another it becomes a room full or clutter and disorganization in every way possible! Whether it is the accumulated stuff in the drawers, the water bottle, medicines, creams full bedsides and the shoes filled closets, we have all been there and done that (including yours truly!) And with spring (ehm...more like summer) upon us, there is no better time to tackle this space before it take over your life!
These steps below will bring back your bedroom and whip it into better shape, though it may take a few us a an afternoon or even a few days depending on your schedule, but it will be well worth it. I promise!
1. Start by scheduling an appointment with Healthy Home Me to come and sanitize your bedroom (mattress, pillows & curtains included) Millions of microscopic dust mites have been medically proven to trigger several health problems such as Asthma, Allergies, Eczema and more!
You can easily reach them by calling 04-4425616 or through their website www.thehealthyhome.me ... read to the end to see how you can win this too!
1. Once a day has been set, put aside a good few hours for the process then play on your favourite music!
2. Remove the bedsheets, pillow cases & blankets off the bed and send them straight to the washing machine.
3. Remove your curtains and put them in the next load or send them to dry-cleaning. If you have blinds, wipe them down with a damp cloth. While the ladder is there, wipe any cabinet tops and ceiling chandeliers from dust.
4. Place a flat sheet on your bed to be used as a working surface and to protect your mattress from any dust.
5. Prepare the a pail of soapy water and a rag, paper towels, window cleaner and a vacuum.
6. Remove everything off your dresser and bed side tables, and place all the items on your bed.
7. Use the damp cloth to wipe the walls (yes dust sticks to the walls, you'll be surprised, window sills, the bed frame, photo & painting frames, lamps, clocks, door handles, light switches and drawer fronts.
8. Decide which of the items on your bed now you want to put back in their place. Discard and giveaway items you don't need. Make sure you have pretty & functional surfaces that are clutter free and pretty.
9. Any paperwork and magazines need to go to bookshelves for filing, only keep the books you are currently reading.
10. Dust the remaining items with a damp cloth before retuning them to the table tops.
11. Now that the bed is empty again, take the mattress off. If possible, turn the box spring on end and vacuum underneath it. This is a good time to rotate the mattress and get the floor beneath the bed cleaned at the same time. Doing this step twice a year is a good rule of thumb (if the healthy home team visits you, they will do this for you automatically after doing the sanitisation)
12. Put the bed and mattress back in place, and put the top sheet over the surface again.
13, Now anything that is on the floor should go on your bed or in the garbage.
14. Check this items on the bed and decide which ones you want to throw away and which ones will go into storage.
15. Shuck dirty laundry into the laundry basket
16. Vacuum and mop the floor
17. Check your bed and put away any items that are left
18. Next empty the dresser drawers and bedside tables items onto the bed. This includes clothing and junk drawers (I have put together a rather handy declutter guide here)
19. For all your closets you can go through my guide to getting super-organized closets in 6 easy tricks.
20. Wipe the drawers before retuning items and if necessary vacuum them with the hose.
21. Go through them returning items into the right places, cabinets, or drawers.
22. Once all of the items are stored away, slowly gather the four corners of the sheet on the bed and put it in the laundry basket.
23. By now, your mattress has been cleaned and you can put on fresh sheets and clean blankets back.
24. Wash the windows, the mirrors and other glass surfaces with window cleaner and paper towels.
25. Finally hand your curtains back, put your cleaning supplies away and get ready to snuggle in the most comfy and clean room of your home!
If you would like to take your bedroom to the next level and achieve a Hotel inspired bedroom check out this article .
Now that you have gone through the 25 steps to spring cleaning, how about a free home sanitation courtesy of the guys at Healthy Home?
This Mega prize will include a full home sanitation for a 2 bedroom plus a children's room is worth more than 2000 AED!
All you have to do is sign up here!!
