A couple of months back I promised the kids a tree house as an alternative to the swimming pool. I just fear accidents at home around swimming pools especially with kids and friend's kids around. So the Tree house idea was welcomed and the kids were thrilled... only we were already close to summer season. So we all agreed September was a perfect month to start the project especially after finding the perfect company to build it for us.
We had been shopping around for one and couldn't find a nice custom house that really resembles a tree house and not a out of the box built solution. In comes Andy from Tree House Dubai. I had already decided where it would be built and roughly the design for it... I had a dead corner in the garden behind two palm trees and this spot offered the perfect area where I can see the kids even from inside the house.
Andy perfected the design and even suggested a nice climbing wall as an alternative to another pair of stairs. The house was to be two levels with benches on the bottom level and terrace + house on top.
The process took alot of wood!, two weeks and loads of dedication and craftsmanship from Andy... he really took every detail into consideration making sure the house is safe & sturdy enough for jumping kids and even building it in a way we can unscrew it and take it with us should we ever move houses.
The kids immediately styled it! put in chairs, a table and a blackboard!
All I can say is that my afternoons and weekend morning are alot more fun for the kids and their friends now that they have their own space to claim in the garden and play pretend and hide & seek!
Facebook: Tree House Dubai
971.56.144 4359

First steps!

Mid way building it